Redeemer has two opportunities for people to use their voices to praise God and add to the congregation’s music: The Youth Choir, led by Ms. Karen Fulton, and the Adult Choir, led by Mr. Glenn Blank. The Youth Choir Kids sing once a month, and the Adult Choir sings during the holiday seasons from Advent through Easter. Other vocal groups, soloists, and instrumentalists also enhance the musical atmosphere of our Praise and Worship to God.
We have a range of vocal experience in the Adult Choir, from those who have never sung publicly before to those who have studied music in college and sung in community choirs for many years. But what all of the members have in common is their direction and motivation. Choir Director Glenn Blank says that of all the choirs he has directed, this one is the most focused: “We get more accomplished in a short 45 minute rehearsal than many choirs can cover in two hours.” Rehearsals are intense, with every minute filled; but the camaraderie that stems from our common purpose makes rehearsing and singing together a joy.
If you are serious about using your music in worship – if you and/or your child(ren) want to be involved at a deeper level, we welcome you to join us! To enroll your children in The Little Lambs Choir, please contact Ms. Fulton through the Church Office. To become a part of the Adult Choir, Mr. Blank invites you to call him at 251-609-2040, or to email him: