
Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!
Psalm 100:2

When your faith in God is strengthened by hearing His Word  and through regular worship, and you experience fervent love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, our Lord; it is natural to desire to serve the Lord and it is a blessing when you do!
The following are some of the many ways available to use your time and talents at Redeemer to help make those things happen that somehow used to always seem to “take care of themselves.”
Just follow this link to our contact page and submit a request to our church secretary, who will be delighted to put you in contact with just the right person for more information!

Altar Guild

The mission of the Altar Guild is to prepare the chancel for worship.  This is generally done on Saturday and duties include filling the candles, placing the flowers, minimal housekeeping and, on the first and third Sundays, setting up for Holy Communion.

On Sunday there are a few things to be done after services but they take very little time.  This vital service is necessary for orderly worship but is not demanding or difficult.  Serving on the Alter Guild also offers the   opportunity to learn about the church year, the seasons, the meaning of the various instruments and fixtures, the colors of the paraments and more - which adds meaning and enrichment to our worship.

Camp Dixie

Redeemer has certain members who serve on the Board of Directors for the camp.  This is to ensure the smooth operation of the camp’s main outreach – Christian Youth Retreats.  The main source of fundraising to support the camp’s operation are the locally famous Chicken Diners 6-8 times per year.  All are encouraged to come out to Camp Dixie in Alabama on the beautiful shores of Perdido Bay and share a meal and some great fellowship! Members are also welcome to help fry chicken, prepare side dishes, serve desserts, and generally lend a hand on the days when the Camp Dixie Chicken Fries happen.


Redeemer has two opportunities for people to use their voices to praise God and add to the congregation’s music:  The Youth Choir, led by Ms. Karen Fulton, and the Adult Choir, led by Mr. Glenn Blank.  The Youth Choir Kids sing once a month, and the Adult Choir sings during the holiday seasons from Advent through Easter.  Other vocal groups, soloists, and instrumentalists also enhance the musical atmosphere of our Praise and Worship to God.

We have a range of vocal experience in the Adult Choir, from those who have never sung publicly before to those who have studied music in college and sung in community choirs for many years.  But what all of the members have in common is their direction and motivation.  Choir Director Glenn Blank says that of all the choirs he has directed, this one is the most focused:  “We get more accomplished in a short 45 minute rehearsal than many choirs can cover in two hours.”  Rehearsals are intense, with every minute filled; but the camaraderie that stems from our common purpose makes rehearsing and singing together a joy.

If you are serious about using your music in worship – if you and/or your child(ren) want to be involved at a deeper level, we welcome you to join us!  To enroll your children in The Little Lambs Choir, please contact Ms. Fulton through the Church Office.  To become a part of the Adult Choir, Mr. Blank invites you to call him at 251-609-2040, or to email him:

Church Council

Represents the voting members of the congregation to conduct the regular business of the church.  Meetings are usually held on the second Monday evening of each month.  When current terms expire and the need arises to elect Council Members, a nominating committee is formed to receive and/or solicit nominations from the congregation.  Voting members of Redeemer’s congregation are eligible, subject to our constitution and bylaws.  Serving on Church Council is a wonderful way to give of your time and talents to serve the Lord!  Click here for a PowerPoint Presentation with more detail on Redeemer’s Church Council.

Church Mouse

WHAT IS A CHURCH MOUSE???'s not a furry gray rodent - at least not at Redeemer Lutheran Church.  A church mouse at Redeemer is a group of women who “scurry” about restocking the prayer request cards, the offering envelopes and the member and visitor cards.  While they're at it, they make sure the hymnals are all facing the same way and the pencils are sharp enough to write.  They even pick up any trash that has been left behind after the services.  Granted this is not a very pleasant task, but as the old saying goes - “somebody's gotta do it”.

Our church mice do their scurrying whenever it fits their schedule each week during the month they are assigned.  At present, each church mouse is assigned a month of “scurry duty” twice a year.
 This is a very simple and quiet way of serving your church.  If you'd like to be a church mouse, please contact the church office.  We'd love to welcome you to the “colony.”  Many hands make light work, so it's possible the duty rotation could be even less than twice a year, depending on how many new church mice join.

Communion Assistant

Communion assistants are comprised of male church officers and leaders, Elders, and Christian men of character and maturity who assist the pastor in the church's biblical readings, baptisms, and serving communion during the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.  The purpose is to provide men an opportunity to serve the church in a meaningful, uplifting manner, and to assist the pastor in carrying out his duties as our spiritual leader.

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee is a group of volunteers who keep track of the inventory of common items in our kitchen pantry such as paper plates, plastic & Styrofoam cups, plastic ware, paper towels, napkins, etc.  Also, consumable items like coffee, sugar, creamer, tea, salt, pepper and what- have-you are monitored and replenished as necessary.  This is a very important function for the smooth operation of Koffee Klatch, after church receptions, Bible studies, and certain meetings but is often overlooked until an “emergency” or “embarrassment” exits!  YOUR participation may be as simple as counting supplies once a month, but is certainly NEEDED and APPRECIATED!  Just contact the church secretary to volunteer.

Money Counters

This is generally a team of two volunteers who meet with the Financial Secretary after the service.  Primary duties are to ensure that offering envelopes are properly annotated, checks are endorsed and currency counted.  Assignments are usually for one month and rotation depends on the number of volunteers.

Outreach Committee

Redeemer’s Outreach Committee exists to share the Good News of Christ’s salvation in practical ways.  Activities include promoting Operation Christmas Child (shoebox gifts), canvassing neighborhoods with flyers for VBS, hosting 4th of July services and celebration picnic, participation in Rally Day, providing Lutheran Hour Ministry tracts, “Meet the Neighbors” tent & table community outreach, and the development of this website.

The Outreach Committee needs your help.  Many people have helped with Outreach activities and their contributions are appreciated, but we still need people to commit to attend periodic planning & fellowship meetings.

If you have time and talent that you can share, please contact the Outreach Chair.  God will faithfully bless your service and it will not be in vain, as He tells us in Isaiah 55:10-11.  (Look it up!)

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain ministry of Redeemer Lutheran Church is made up of a group of people who offer prayers of supplication, thanksgiving and praise on behalf of people who have submitted prayer requests.  The requests are received from several sources:  prayer request cards in pews, the alter prayers at church, the book in the church office, communication to the prayer facilitator (listed on the back of the bulletin), and requests to members of the prayer chain via this website’s contact page.  The prayer requests are shared with the Prayer Chain members via email and/or by telephone and then the group prays those prayers in their personal prayer time.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This group is currently inactive. If you'd like to start and lead this ministry, please contact the church office. 

Property and Grounds

Several times a year the Property & Grounds Chairperson organizes “beautification days” to spruce up the church and school property.  Usually this is on a Saturday in the Spring and Fall, or if a “weather-related event” has caused a special need.  Although we have a lawn service mow the grass on a regular basis, the purpose of the beautification day is to plant and tend flower gardens, trim hedges, plant trees, and generally tend to things that your lawn service leaves to you.  Anyone who can man (or woman) a rake, shovel, garden trowel or hedge trimmer is invited to serve the Lord in this fun fellowshipping way!

Special Events

From time to time there are special events that need extra hands to help setup, cook, serve food, and clean-up to make them happen.  These might be receptions after baptisms or confirmations, special services, or simply a fellowship pot luck.  Anyone with time & talents may serve.  Interested? Contact the church office to learn how you may help an upcoming event.

Student Assistant Fund

(Formally called the Redeemer Student Assistance Fund.)  Established in December, 1980, the Redeemer Student Assistance Fund was designed to help alleviate the shortage of candidates for offices of Pastors, Teachers, Deaconesses, Directors of Christian Education, and other similar professional careers in our Synod by providing them with some financial aid during their educational years.   We still experience the need for such church workers today.


Redeemer’s Ushers serve God within the fellowship of our congregation.  They minister to and are landmarks to churchgoers who learn to depend upon them.   They are lamps which dispel the darkness and give light to warm the sanctuary.  They are those to whom the first daily questions are asked – and they do not always have the answer, but they will seek those who do.
At each service the ushers first greet all who enter, hand out bulletins and give worship instructions, seat and give assistance to those who need it.  They collect the offering.   At communion, they pull the communicants from the pews row by row; control the “gate” to the communion rail and lend a helping hand as folks step down from the chancel.  After services, they clean up the sanctuary.

Who can serve? Men - teenagers - who are confirmed members and non-members; occasionally, the women and youth for special services.  Want to serve? Please contact an usher or one of the Elders whose names are printed on the back of a Sunday bulletin or in the contact section of this website.