LLL - Lutheran Laymen’s League
Also known as The Men’s Group, the Lutheran Laymen’s League adopts specific projects from time to time to further our goals. One such project has been the preparation of boxes of items that support the personal needs of our troops in the Middle East, such as toiletries, snacks, writing and reading materials, plus personal messages from our Congregational members. These are mailed to Chaplains in the theatre for distribution to individuals of their choice. The Men’s Group collects aluminum cans and recycles them for revenue to support our projects.
LWML - Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Mission Statement: The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
Redeemer Lutheran LWML is an active Society conducting monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month in our Activity Center. In addition to the "mite box offerings" which have helped fund tens of millions of dollars in mission grants since the inception of the LWML in 1942, our local society has contributed to Redeemer Lutheran Church and School through various fund raisers - most notably our annual Rummage Sale. We also participate in various functions of the church and school through food, service and fellowship.
All women who are members of Redeemer Lutheran Church are also members of the LWML. LWML Sunday is observed with a special service and members are privileged to participate.
Music Ministry
Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, his praise in the congregation of saints. . . . . Praise him with the sound of the trumpet; praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance; praise him with stringed instruments and organs . . . . Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” -- Psalm 149-150
The focus for the Music Ministry at Redeemer is on worship: praising God. We worship God because He is worthy. He is worthy because He created us; because He is mighty; because He is merciful; because He delights in us; and because He has redeemed us! We worship with passion because after all, if God takes delight in us, the least we can do is take delight in Him.
Our music director's vision for worship is to see all of the congregation's creative gifts used in worship: musical instruments, drama, and visual arts as well as the vocal music. He wants to incorporate all levels of ability - Mr. Glenn Blank espouses this view: "If someone can only play one note well but is serious about worship, I will arrange the music in such a way as to include that one note."
We worship with God as the focus - in fact that is the definition of worship. The point of music in worship is to sing what blesses God’s heart. And what blesses God’s heart is the attitude of our hearts! The music we sing should reflect those emotions that are an appropriate response to God’s relationship with us. When we worship through music saturated with praise, we should experience the joy of God’s presence – as we get lost in His presence – while God receives the glory.
" Some of us plant seeds, some of us water the seeds, but only God gives the growth." (1 Corinthians 3:6) The Outreach Committee spearheads projects designed for Christians to execute the Great Commission in ways compatible with their talents. One of the easiest is Operation Christmas Child! Each year we collect shoe box gifts that are distributed with the Gospel message of Christ to children around the world through Samaritan’s Purse. Outreach also periodically delivers flyers announcing VBS, 4th of July picnic, Rally Day and special events. The committee meets at flexible times to discuss and develop ways that we Christians can personally connect with others, as well as pray for the Lord’s guidance & direction.
The Outreach Committee also maintains the racks of booklets found at the back of the church and in the school’s hallways. The booklets are FREE for the taking, and provide encouragement and support from The Lutheran Hour concerning a variety of challenges that people face. For immediate assistance with specific life issues, FREE pamphlets are available for download in PDF format from Lutheran Hour Ministries’ Project Connect website. By clicking this banner, you will be taken to a different page where you will be able to browse dozens of topics and select the one best for you or a friend’s situation.

Prayer Requests
Requests to the Prayer Chain may be made several ways: prayer request cards in pews, a book in the church office, communication to the prayer facilitator (listed on the back of the bulletin), and requests to members of the prayer chain via this website’s contact page. Thanks to the faithful praying friends at Redeemer for their prayers!
Prayer Shawl Ministry - The members of this ministry knit or crochet shawls for people in need of comfort. We pray as we do our needlework. Then, several times a year, Pastor leads the congregation in prayer over the completed shawls – usually on “5th Sundays.”
The congregation participates by presenting shawls to people and praying for them. This opens the door to conversations about God’s love and the special place he has in our lives. The shawls are a gift that says “We are praying for you and care about you.” It is our way to share God’s love in a tangible way. Please contact us if you know of someone who would benefit from a shawl and our prayers. It doesn’t have to be a person who is critically ill but could be anyone who needs a little extra encouragement or comfort.
Redeemer Lutheran School
Christian Education is one of Redeemer Lutheran Church’s primary ministries. In fact, it is so important that Redeemer Lutheran School warrants its own website, found at the following link: www.redeemerschoolpensacola.org/ .
Sunday School
Sunday school is a two-way exchange of receiving God’s Word – we have a chance to ask questions and that makes it a unique ministry compared to church services! When we attend church, we praise God and take in His word as a sermon; when we go to Sunday school, we praise Him by studying God’s word! Find out more about S.S. at the following link: Sunday School Study.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is a form of outreach to both our Redeemer School children and kids from the community who attend school elsewhere. The mission is to teach kids about Jesus in fun and practical ways! Follow this link to learn more about Vacation Bible School.
Women's Bible Study
This ministry is designed to give women insight into God's Holy Word by helping them grow in faith and preparing them to go out to spread the Good News that we have in Jesus. For details, follow this link to Women’s Bible Study.
Youth Group
Redeemer understands the need for our youth to develop a continuing relationship with Jesus, and to have some “space” to call their own – so they have their own Youth Page.